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Rainworks Bali

Rain Water Harvesting Specialist
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Water Saving Tips

When building new or renovating try to take advantage of the latest water saving technology widely available on the world wide market . 


  1. Low flow shower heads (VTO eco air turbo showers reduces water consumption up to 50% while increasing water pressure using air turbo design as well as giving a healthy oxygenated shower)

  2. Duel flush toilets that allow you to select the amount of water needed to do the job.

  3. Rain water catchment for household use and a septic system with recycled grey water for lawn and garden.

  4. Use appliances such as dish washer and washing machine only when full.

  5. Fix any leaks, leaky faucets or garden taps that drip at a rate of one drop per second can waste up to 10.000 liters of water each year.

  6. Turn off water when not in use, leaving the water running while you brush your tooth or soaping up in the shower wastes massive amounts of water.

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